I've said many times "I did it on purpose". Usually it's a defensive mechanism used to deflect an action that seems strange or odd to others. I often think of Paul Reuben's famous line in Pee Wee's Big Adventure when he blurts..."I meant to do that"! One of my desires when I retired in May '08 was to live the second half of my life..."on purpose". I've been blessed with so much, flat-out abundance, that I get embarrassed just thinking about it. To think that over 1 BILLION (as I place my little finger to the corner of my mouth) people in the world live on less than $1 a day just floors me. So, here are some of my favorite organizations that do a really amazing job focusing on improving the lives of the under-resourced. I've seen the results first hand and feel they are great stewards.
FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN - They send nutritional food bags (like a high powered oatmeal) to those in need across the world. They take donations and you can bring a group to their warehouse to fill the bags (they are currently located in Minn. & Ill.). They literally save lives in places where parents are forced to feed their kids dirt clods to fill their stomachs with something so they can get to sleep at night.
WORLD VISION - Is a well structured organization that does lots of child sponsorship programs. For a dollar a day you can help a child (and their family) live healthy, productive lives. Our church sponsors close to 300 kids in Uganda and I had a chance to visit Buhimba a couple of years ago. WOW! The village is becoming self-sufficient, building their own infrastructures and not sitting around with their hands out.
H.I.M. (HEARTS IN MOTION) - If you ever doubt the change 1 person can make, just talk to the founder, Karen of H.I.M. (love the acronym) is the 2007 Kiwanis World Service Medal winner. She makes things happen in Guatemala and the surrounding countries with an infectious smile, willingness to make the "big asks" and a can do attitude. Her organization focuses on those living in dumps, orphans and the really poor. She has just started a child sponsorship program. There's nothing more touching than passing out sandwiches, shoes and clothing to those that call the dump their home.
KIVA - This "microfinance" group allows common people, like you and me, to partner with each other making loans to those that just need a stake to get started. And get this, you get paid back. I've made several loans and each one was reimbursed. The company was started by a few folks on the west coast and it uses a Facebook-type approach (sorry for the over-simplification)
I'm trying more and more to do it "on purpose" with a purpose. I refuse to let those that say "yeah, but how do you know it really gets to the intended people?" get in the way of what my heart says is right. I guess I'll just say..."I MEANT TO DO THAT...?
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