I couldn't stand on the sidelines any longer, so I got on Facebook in January. Too many of my friends were getting pages and it's a great connection point for a newly retired, old guy. I try not to have worlds collide with the younger generation since it was their's first.
I was recently "tagged" and was asked to write "25 random things about me". It's harder than you think. Here's mine
1. My legal name is Gene (my mom didn't like Eugene). It was tough growing up with a "girls" name. I've been assigned to girls' gym classes more than once and I won't go into one of my assigned room mates at a McDs convention..
2. My daughter Tammy , got her Masters in Occupational Therapy from USC (GO Trojans) and is currently an OT at a private clinic in Pasadena.
3. I was an atheist until May, 2005. I'm pumped to be a Christ-follower and try not to weird people out.
4. I lived in Hawaii twice and was a resident of Oahu when it became a state.
5. I have a 1965 Red Mustang convertible with an 8 track player with a collection of over 400 tapes (yes..there is a Barry Manilow somewhere in there.
6. Sue and I lived on the same street (about 7 houses away) in high school. We started dating when she was 15 & I was 17. We got engaged at her Senior prom and were married when I was 20.
7. I was the 1972 All-American bun champion for San Diego McDonald's...now that's a skill that really pops on a resume.
8. Patrick (our son) played 4 years of lacrosse at Neuqua HS and played at Purdue where he will graduate this year. He did go to the University of Arizona his freshman year.
9. I attended 3 different 3rd grade classes in 3 cities during the same year. I went to 13 schools before 10th grade (I was a Navy brat and my dad was always being transferred)
10. I bought my first car, a 1971 new VW bug when I was 18. I totaled it when I feel asleep at the wheel driving home from a closing shift.
11. I am a closet Monkees fan...I know the words to most of the songs on their 4 albums
12. I suffer from over-confidence (ask Sue). I don't care if I make mistakes (whatever) and love taking risks (not reckless). I share Henry Ford's belief - "If you think you can, or think you can't, you're right."
13. I've visited 6 of the 7 continents (still have to do Antarctica).
14. Sue and I have been on 12 cruises. We save money through the year to make a vacation happen every year (don't ask me for a loan).
15. I went to San Diego State University for 3 months and left before the first semester ended. I did attend Hamburger University twice and was on the Dean's list.
16. I am an avid reader...usually do 2 books a week. I mark them up with pens and folded pages instead of a highlighter.
17. Ray Kroc fired me when I was the manager of the Clairemont Mesa McDonald's in 1981 (my Regional Manager said not to worry about it). I retired from McDonald's after 35 years last year.
18. I've been on a safari in Africa and have a picture of me straddling Tanzania & Uganda
19. I've watched every episode of Seinfeld and King of Queens at least 10 times. I can't stop and I still laugh every single time.
20. I was the 3rd grade chess champion for Virginia Beach
21. I was a catcher in Little League. I strapped on the "tools of ignorance" for 6 years
22. I laugh every day! I was a class clown in school (to help me meet people as the new kid). Work is so much more enjoyable if you have a good time while you do it. I find it difficult to be nice to negative people (I'm working on it)
23. I've been either going on or going off a diet most of my adult life. I'm on my last one right now! I'm gonna be the biggest loser (Sue is my Jillian)
24. I just got a new ASUS 1000HE netbook. Less than 3 lbs, 9 hour battery life and 160 GB hard drive. My heart skipped a beat when I opened the box!! I know it's sad...I can't help it!
25. I haven't worn a watch for 3 years...I just refuse to conform any longer!
Hope I don't get tagged with "101 jokes I've told that aren't funny".
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