Sue (my lovely wife) had this thought on her mind, and she just couldn't shake it. She shared it with me, now I've got it! So...tag, you're it.....
At our small group meeting last Friday we were talking about unconditional love (Fireproof the Movie), caring as much (or maybe even more?) for others than we do for ourselves. You’ve heard the drill: humbling ourselves, sacrificing, being intentional. But hearing and doing are two different things.
Anyway, back to the story that I can’t get out of my head. One member of our gathering told us about her brother and his small group. A young dad in her brother’s group has lost his job (and health insurance) and learned he’s facing a life threatening illness all within the last couple months. Everyone is feeling the pinch of these tough economic times, but these circumstances have put this young family into a tailspin. Now they’re facing losing their home. So, the rest of the group has gotten together and decided to pay the monthly mortgage payments for their friends while they go through this challenging time. Wow, what a great example of following the golden rule.
So why does this act of kindness keep entering my thoughts? Maybe it’s because I think about the groups that I’m involved in and wonder if we would be willing to make such a sacrifice for each other. And if one of us was in that situation, would we accept the help? But I sense the main reason the story caught my attention is that I want to be like that group of caring people. I want to be able to put someone else first and maybe even sacrifice a little in doing so. I’m sure there is no shortage of people I interact with everyday whose burdens could be lightened by some of my time, talent, or resources. But in the activity and routine of each day do I ever pause to really consider the needs of others? Hearing and doing are not the same. Am I really looking?
I can’t stop thinking about it.